The White Mountain Milers is a non-profit club, founded May 18, 1985, dedicated to running, walking, general fitness and community service. We promote fitness education, running and walking events in the greater Mount Washington Valley of New Hampshire. We’re involved in numerous community service activities. The Milers are a friendly social group and we welcome both beginners and veterans to any and all of our many activities.
Membership Fees
Students - $10
under age 21
Membership renewal is always by calendar year so you need to renew again every January.
Individual - $15
​Membership renewal is always by calendar year so you need to renew again every January.
Family - $20
Membership renewal is always by calendar year so you need to renew again every January.
Membership Benefits
Membership dues have one primary focus, to cover the cost of our race insurance and permit fees for our various events, such as the annual trail race series at Whitaker Woods. Net proceeds go to the Gretchen B. Hatch Scholarship fund, through which we support local college-bound student athletes.
These wonderful companies listed below are happy to work with members of the White Mountain Milers. Please let them know you are a Miler and thank them with your patronage and enjoy club benefits.​
10% discount on any purchase at EMS
10% discount on hair services with Jenny Burkett
10% discount at Running Warehouse. Promo code shared through Miler Membership email.
Community Support
For over three decades we have performed a vital role in the community. Some of our past and present activities include:
Past & Present Club-Sponsored Events
Bucks for Bernie 12-hour trail race/relay
Running Start 5 Mile Road Race for Women
Jackson Covered Bridge 10K
Mud Muck Moose 5 Mile Trail Race
White Mountain Milers Half Marathon
Mt. Cranmore Hill Climb
Summer Trail Race Series at Whitaker Woods
Turkey Raffle Relay
Summer Speed Workouts at Kennett High School
Albany Breakfast Runs
New Year’s Run
Corn Cob Run for Kennett & Fryeburg XC Teams
Lambless Jam Labor Day Run
Zucchini Run/I’ll Be Dipped
Kids’ “I Did It” Fun Runs
Sidehiller and Massabesic Snowshoe Races
Stark Trek 10K Road Race
Loon Mountain Race
Community Service Involvements
Gretchen B Hatch Memorial Scholarship Fund: More than $138,000 has been awarded to local students since 1990!
Beginning Runner/Walking Clinics
Purchase of uniforms and equipment for Kennett Track/XC Teams ($1,000 Annual Donation to Kennett High Teams)
Sponsorship of Coaching Position and Busing for Kennett JV XC Team
Bone Marrow Donor Registration Program, 1999 Milers Half Marathon
Supporter of US Mountain Running Team
Adopt a Highway clean-up program, River Road, North Conway
Donation of Picnic Tables to the Eaton Picnic Area at Crystal Lake
Sponsorship of Division II coaching training for Bernie Livingston KHS XC and Track coach
Sponsorship of FAST Camp, Focused, Accelerated, Summer Training Camp with Coach Tim Livingston
Local Organizations That Have Benefited From Club Events or Loaning of Equipment
Children Unlimited
Conway Coop pre-school
Miss Teen Mt. Washington Contest
Jackson Grammar School & playground fund
Bartlett Ambulance
East Conway Fire Department
Kennett XC running and Ski Teams
Kennett Track Teams
White Mountain Community Health Center
Project Succeed
The Sharp House Women’s Shelter
North Conway Community Center
Conway Recreation Center
Madison PTO and Before and After School Programs
Freedom Old Home Week
The Laura Mahoney Foundation
Kismet Rock Foundation
John Fuller Elementary School
Pine Tree Elementary School
Ossipee Old Home Week
Eaton Village Preservation Society
Jackson Ski Touring Foundation
Mount Washington Valley Ski Touring Center
Gary Millen Foundation
Cook Memorial Library, Tamworth
Mount Washington Valley Skating Club
By joining the Milers, you are not only supporting running and walking in the Valley, you are also supporting the community.